Thursday 17 November 2016

Just ask and you will receive.

Matthew 7:7

My friend David Costello, took this photograph while he was on a sailing trip to Antarctica. I never cease being amazed at the handiwork of our Father in creation in some of the most remote places on the earth. Who could imagine that a simple patch of ice could display such beauty?

Our God and Father has a way of making the very complex very simple. In today's promise, Jesus points us to His Father and simply says... Just ask and you will receive. Just seek and you will find. Just knock and the door will be opened. The next few verses Jesus goes on to tell us that God has a father's heart for us and He promises to give good gifts to those who will simply ask.

So what do you need today? Just ask! Jesus also told us that the Father knows what you need before you even ask for it. (Matthew 6:8) So ask Him! He is the Father of Lights and every good and perfect gift comes directly from His hand (James 1:17). 

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