Tuesday 24 March 2015

Humble yourself before Me and in time I will exalt you.

1 Peter 5:6 

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God,
that he may exalt you in due time;

Today’s   promise simply encourages us to   walk in humility. God loves it when   we embrace humility because when we   are truly humble, we are just   like  Him! Jesus told us that the greatest   in the kingdom is the   servant of  all (Matthew 23:11). Who is the   greatest in the kingdom   but our  Father? That means that He carries   within Himself the heart   of a  servant.

When we choose to humble   ourselves, He is so   delighted that He is the One who lifts us up! We   don’t have to fight   and strive for our position in the kingdom because   our Father will   exalt us at just the right time. I remember a few years   back I went to   a very large church meeting and I felt the Lord directed   me to sit on  the very last row at the back of the church. He told me  to   literally  take the lowest seat in the building, so I did.

Just   before  the meeting began, a man came up to my wife and I and ushered   us  to  the very front of the building and we got the best seats in the    house!  The Lord then reminded me of His encouragement for us to take  the    lowest seat (Luke 14:8-10) so that we can then be re-assigned to  a    better seat if the opportunity arises.

Our Papa loves it  when we    embrace true humility (not false humility) and trust Him to  exalt us   in  due time. My prayer for each one of us today is that we  would see   the  incredible benefits of walking with a humble heart in  our Father’s Kingdom.

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