Monday 23 March 2015

My mercy will overrule judgment.

James 2:13
For judgment is without mercy to him who has shown no mercy.
Mercy triumphs over judgment.

The Message Bible says… Kind mercy wins over harsh judgment every time. The  law of mercy and grace actually overrules the law of judgment. I     don’t know how you feel when you think about this promise, but I am     thankful to God that His mercy does indeed win the day!

I am so     glad that my God and Father does not treat me as my sins deserve, but   is   rich in His mercy towards me.  Every day I get to experience His   new   mercies! (Lamentations 3:22-23) In Matthew 5:7, Jesus tells us  Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. (KJV)    I am painfully aware that in my own life, I need all the mercy that I    can get. So if I want mercy for myself, I better be a dispenser  of   mercy  to everyone I meet too!

God loves mercy and He loves  it   when His  kids are mercy-full. My prayer is that we would be a  people   who  continue to walk in the amazing love and mercy that God  bestows   on  us, so that we can be a vessel of His mercy to others.

May   we   actually love showing mercy (Micah 6:8) to those who don’t deserve   it   and be an expression of our heavenly Dad’s mercy to all those we   meet.   (Luke 6:36) …Even to those drivers who may cut off us on the   highway!   :)

The mercy of our God and Father will triumph over   every form   of judgment in your own life. Believe it. Receive it. Love   it… and   give it away!

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