Wednesday 11 February 2015

Call on Me when you are in trouble and I will rescue you. - MESSAGE

Psalm 91:15 
He will call on me, and I will answer him.
I will be with him in trouble.
I will deliver him, and honor him.
When   we are in trouble, God is ready and   waiting to help us. We don’t have  to try and convince Him to come to our   aid, for that is what  good fathers do for their kids. No matter what   the situation, good  parents  are always there to help their children when   they need it.

When   our  children were young, nothing would stop my wife   and I from   rushing to  their side when they needed help.  I believe   every good   parent that is  reading this devotional thought would feel the  same way  too.
God  is no different  than a loving parent …with  the   exception that He is Omniscient,  Omnipresent and Omnipotent and the   absolute most loving, best Father in  the universe! Psalm 91 is full of   promises of God’s protection and His  readiness to help us when we   are  in trouble.

If  you are in a  situation today where you   need to  be rescued, call out  to God. He  encourages you to call out to  Him for  He is ready, willing  and able to  be with you in your time of  trouble  and rescue you when  you need to be saved! …For that is what good  fathers do.

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